The Valorisation of an Ethno-Gastronomic Heritage Route of the Skadarsko Lake - Jan 2011 - Jul 2012

Centre for Sustainable Tourism Initiatives (CSTI) in cooperation with Centre for Rural Sudies & International Agriculture (CERAI) and Qendra Burimore e Permaukultres (QBP) from Shkoder are the implementing partners for an 18 month project titled: The Valorisation of an Ethno-Gastronomic Heritage Route of the Lake of Shkodra/Skadar. This project is funded by the European Union contributing 85% of the total cost, 15% from CERAI and 15% from the Ministry of Culture and Sports in Montenegro, and will be managed by the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro and Albania.

The overall objective of the project involves the revival of sustainable socio-economic development of cross-border region between Albania and Montenegro, by promoting a new model of integrated tourism based on the qualitative local products, services and natural, historical and cultural heritage. The specific objective is the development of cross-border tourism product through the ethno- gastronomic route in the area of Shkodër and Lake Shkodra/Skadar. Target groups include consumers, professional categories and local authorities, while the ultimate beneficiaries are local producers, local economic agents and culinary entrepreneurs, traditional communities, tourists and artisans. 

Old Settlement of Rijeka Crnojevica View over Skadarsko Lake Ethno-Gastronomy products Main donor to the action

The main activities of this project will involve the following:

  • Collection and mapping of the cross-border region´s tangible and intangible ethno-gastronomic heritage,
  • Development of the sustainable tourism concept and study models for managing the thematic route,
  • Development of Capacity Building Programme to respond to needs identified directly within target groups and beneficiaries,
  • An Experience Exchange Study Trip between Albania and Montenegro,
  • Organisatioon of a large Promotional Fair in the cross-border project area,
  • Development and distribution of promotional material for the route (logo, cookery book, brand/trademark, guides, maps, posters),
  • Production and Installation of visible infrastructure for visibility actions which refers to billboards and signage,
  • Creation and maintenance of the Ethno-Gastronomic Heritage Route of Shkodra/Skadar Lake website,
  • Official presentation of the project and the route organised in both Albania and  Montenegro.

    The estimated results are to have mapped the local ethno-gastronomic heritage and assets; mapped available services and products; to design new offers in the area of Shkodra/Skadar Lake; to improve and standardize the ethno-gastronomic goods & services; to develop and promote the concept and realisation of an ethno-gastronomic route Shkodra/Skadar Lake to valorise the cross-border region´s true potential.